
TV Human Interaction Dataset

人机交互 电视 牛津大学

数据集由 300 个视频剪辑组成,这些视频剪辑从 20 多个不同的电视节目中收集,包含 4 个互动:握手、多次击掌、拥抱和亲吻,以及不包含任何互动的剪辑。

156 MB


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Our Interaction Dataset consists of 300 video clips collected from over 20 different TV shows and containing 4 interactions: hand shakes, high fives, hugs and kisses, as well as clips that don't contain any of the interactions.

We annotated in each frame of every video:

\1. The upper body of people (with a bounding box). \2. Discrete head orientation (profile-left, profile-right, frontal-left, frontal-right and backwards). \3. Interaction label of each person.

This dataset is available for research purposes only. I do not own the copyrights of the videos included in the dataset. These remain with their rightful owners.


+ tv_human_interactions_videos.tar.gz (156 MB) download

+ tv_human_interactions_annotations.tar.gz (311 KB) download

+ readme.txt (2.4 KB) download

Related Publications

Structured learning of human interactions in TV shows Patron-Perez, A., Marszalek, M., Reid, I. and Zisserman, A IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (accepted for publication)

High Five: Recognising human interactions in TV shows (pdf) Patron-Perez, A., Marszalek, M., Zisserman, A. and Reid, I. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Aberystwyth, UK, 2010


Hand Shakes High Fives Hugs Kisses
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